The team
We are a creative print production consultancy firm, offering expert advice and helping you to achieve exceptional results with an outstanding finish. Graphic services specialists and connoisseurs of paper, techniques and finishes, we strive to achieve the ideal production and a perfect result.
We work with an excellent team of professionals and experts in various techniques and processes.
We listen to our clients’ ideas, do our research and come up with the best solution for each project.
This is me
Ever since I entered the world of graphic arts at the age of 13, I have had a passion for the smell of ink, the feel of paper and printing techniques. This is my world!
Now I want to team up with you and guide you in the pre-production and production of the graphic materials that you design for your clients, and help you to produce them to the highest standard.
My knowledge, experience and advice will place your excellently designed projects in the right hands, in order to achieve exceptional results.
I am Nuria,
your creative production consultant.
Who we work with
Llibreria Blanquerna (central Madrid) , Cacao Sampaka, Catalina Estrada, Blanc Festival, Marina Port Vell, Little Creative Factory, Sofia Hotel, Nobu Hotel , Hotel Mandarin Oriental, Selenta Group, Expo Grupo, Hoteles Coach, Mas Salagros EcoResort, Bershka, Galeria RocioSC, Pep Escoda, Miquel Aparici, Inticom, Aigües Minerals de VilajuÏga, Global Trade, Garbancito Fiel, Grup Flaix, Mas del Serral, Ubeeqo, Vice Iberia, Chocolates Torras, Sagardi, Junta constructora Temple Expiatori Sagrada Familia, Soccer Services Barcelona, Arcadia Motion Pictures, UIC, UPC, Alfredo Mesalles, Astrolabius, Pianoforte Spain, Encuentro Casual, Escola Arrels, Tinny cottons, Farmacia Catalunya, Between Technlogy, Pinearq, Ajuntament de Vallirana, Ajuntament de Santa Coloma, Grupo Luxiona, Instituto de Cardiologia y Medicina Interna, Volotea,, Estudio Casa Carlota, Punto Fa MANGO, T500 Puratos, Montblanc, Inoxcrom, Fundació Sorigué, Desigual, Fundació Blue Project, Dentsply Sirona, Asics, Barcelona Global, Costers del Siurana, Arts Santa Mónica, RBA, Fundació Carulla, Elisava, Grupo Planeta, Ubeeqo